展会时间:2025年6月4日-7日 展会地址:上海新国博览中心W1-W5馆
The China Construction Expo opens in Guangzhou! The transformation of old buildings and aging friendly renovations have become the focus of attention in the industry 7月8日,有着“大家居建装行业第一展”之称的2024年中国建博会(广州)在琶洲广交会展馆开幕。本届建博会以“建装理想家,服务新格局”为主题,超过2000家企业参展,展览面积近40万平方米,共有“定制、系统、智能、设计、材艺”五大主题展区以及卫浴展区。 1、全屋智能更加“体贴入微” 2、旧改局改与适老化改造成焦点 今年5月,尚品宅配在江苏推出“活力长辈”系列产品,从定制适老化、宅配适老化、家电适老化三大维度入手,提出了兴趣系统、贴心系统、安全系统三大核心设计系统。在产品尺寸、设计、选材用料、色彩搭配以及居家动线设计等方面,进行了系统性的规划与优化,同时采用ENF级环保板材,为长辈提供安全、健康的居家环境。 In May of this year, Shangpin Home Delivery launched the "Vitality Elderly" series of products in Jiangsu, starting from three dimensions: customized aging, home delivery aging, and home appliance aging, proposing three core design systems: interest system, caring system, and safety system. Systematic planning and optimization have been carried out in terms of product size, design, material selection, color matching, and home flow design. At the same time, ENF grade environmentally friendly boards are used to provide a safe and healthy home environment for elders. 大会参展请咨询:谢经理13020162130(同微信) |